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A collection of Love stories that shocked the world

love stories that shocked the world

There are many stories that are happening right now, around the world. A few of them are the Love stories and very few of them are true and others fake. But out of these love stories which come true, some really shocks the world and restores its fate back to love. Here I have collected a few stories, True love stories that shocked the world. 

The collection of love stories that shocked the world:

  1. A marriage in 1948 that shocked Britain and Africa.
  2. A love story of barn swallows that went viral.
  3. Love moved a whole Mountain. 


1. A marriage in 1948 that shocked Britain and Africa.

This was the story I noticed on a post on and It’s amazing to see the love of two people who are from two different cultural backgrounds and despite all the differences, choose each other and spend their life together. 

The Story:

Seretse Khama (an African prince) and Ruth Williams (a white middle-class clerk) were living their usual life. But one day, Ruth’s sister asked her to join her on Saturday for London Missionary society, where they teach some African students. 

There, Ruth Willams and Seretse Khama first met each other. While talking, they noticed they both like the same kind of music – Jazz. As they began to know each other some more. they find it really amazing how they have so much in common even with a different background.

In those days, the racial situation was not very good. White and black don’t go out together especially a white girl and a black man.

We both knew we are going to upset our families but still, we didn’t want to live apart.

There were people who didn’t want to let this happen. The bishop under the pressure refused to get them married. but they both go the magistrate and got their special permission and got married. 

People were stubborn but we were more stubborn than those preventing us. 

It was discussed in the parliament and Churchill said: “they were a brave couple” even though he didn’t approve of the marriage. 

Khama’s family disapproved and he was forced to renounce his claim to the throne. Even after the marriage, there were many who wanted them to separate. The British government came under pressure to show its disapproval and Khama was exiled from his homeland.

But long story short. Khama, later became the first president of Botswana when it became an independent country.

and True love wins.


But always, this is not the case, True love sometimes have sad endings. I have this post that shares some sad stories about love with sad endings.  

2. A love story of Barn Swallows that shocked the world, when went viral. 

This a story that went viral on the internet, a few years ago, and it truly shocked the world. People have confidence that birds and animals don’t have feelings or belongings to their mates. But this little incident which went viral shocked their belief and forced them to reconsider their judgment towards these voiceless animals.

The Story:

These are the photos taken by a photographer after a barn swallow was hit by a car.

She was injured and can’t fly or move properly and then came another barn swallow who bought her food and then sat there for a while. It seemed as he is attending her in her last few minutes with love and compassion.

Then, he flew away and brought her some more food, but to his shock, she was dead. He tried to move her, kicking her here and there. This kept on going for a few minutes. 

He stood there, beside her, sad for her death. It was clearly noticeable that he was crying for her loved one. 

Finally, realizing she is never going to wake up again, stood their quietly as if he is mourning for her. 

This was a sad love story of two voiceless birds. The death of one and the cry of other made it clear that the birds and animals do have hearts, feelings, and belonging towards their mates.  It’s believed that it’s very hard to find true love but now you know even birds have it. 


3. I moved a Mountain for my love. What can you do for yours?

This is another story of a common man whose love was so strong that even a mountain couldn’t stand a chance. This is a story of an ordinary man Dashrath Manjhi from India. 

The Story:

Dashrath Manjhi was a poor coal miner before he met the love of his life. They lived happily in the remote village and each day, her wife would trek through a mountain to bring him lunch.

During this daily ritual, one day, she slipped and fell off the cliff. He could only watch helplessly, as she flew through the air and landing hard on the ground. 

He cradled her in his arms, screamed, cried for help. He watched her die in his arms. 

But vowed that no other villager would know such pain, 

I could not bear it. If it took all my life now, I would carve us a road through the mountain

He sold his 3 goats to buy the tools. Armed with only a sledgehammer, chisel, and crowbar, he spent every single day breaking up rock after rock.

He worked from the moment the sunrose, until late in the night. Every day for over 22 years, just for her love.

The Mountain Man carved a road stretching over 300 feet taking the journey to town from 40 miles to less than 1.

When he lost his wife, Dashrath lost his life’s path, but he knew it’s never too late to carve out a new one…

I started this work out of love for my wife but continued it for my people. If I didn’t, no one would.

So, what can you do for your love?


If you like reading love stories then I have another post on sad love stories, where I have a collection of real-life sad stories. and I have also collected some real-life struggle stories of some famous celebrities. Hope you like them too.


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