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19 inspiring Short Stories with moral lessons, you heard when you were kid


Inspiring short stories with moral lessons 

Everyone must have heard some short stories like The Thirsty Crow, The Rabbit and the Tortoise, and many like it. Here you get the whole list of inspiring short stories with moral lessons that you heard in your childhood and now it’s time to share these moral values with your kids

What are Short stories?

Short stories are the story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. Little kids have great imagination since they reach the age of 4 to 5 years and their imagination and creativity increase and enhance with each day pass by. Then comes the role of the stories, fables – the stories. 

To whom, are the short stories best suitable for?

Short stories are great for all age groups right from infancy through childhood to adolescence and even adults.

For kids, the little kids from birth till 3 years are always full of energy, always active and therefore to hold their attention short stories can be the best choice.

For childhood kids, of the age of 3 to 12 years, pupils like to spend most of their time with there fellow kids and friends. With short stories in their mind, the child feels an urge to share it with friends. With this sharing, the kid not only makes friends but also share a good message via inspiring short stories with moral lessons. 

For adolescents, The kids consider themselves above all and according to them, their thinking is the only truth. With these inspiring short stories with moral lessons, they can easily remember the way a life can be, with a little miscalculation and little misuse.

short inspiring stories keep their mind centered and controlled. 

19 best inspiring short stories with moral lessons, that you heard in your childhood and now it’s time to share it with your kids.

Some of the inspiring short stories with moral lessons from the book Aesop’s Fables.


First 7 inspiring short stories with moral lessons for kids:

  1. The Tortoise and the birds
  2. Two Crabs
  3. An Ass in the lion’s skin
  4. The Two Friends and the Bear
  5. The Two Pots
  6. The Four Oxen and the Lion
  7. The Fisherman and the Little Fish

A tortoise once decided to move to a new location, so he asked an Eagle to help him and fly him to his new home, promising her a rich reward for her trouble. The Eagle agreed to the terms and seizing the Tortoise by the shell with her claws soared aloft. On their way to the new home, they both took rest on a rock, there came a Crow, who said to the Eagle:

Tortoise is good eating.

the Eagle in reply

But his shell is too hard to break

The Crow:

The rocks will soon crack the shell

and the Eagle, taking the hint, let fall the Tortoise on a sharp rock, and the two birds made a hearty meal of the tortoise.

Moral of the Story:

Never trust an enemy with your life.


One bright day two Crabs came out, for a walk down the beach on the sand.


Stopped by the mother,

you are walking very ungracefully. You must make yourself habitual, to walking straight, without twisting from side to side

The young one said: 

Pray, mother, I will but set the example yourself, and I will follow you.


The lesson of the story:

An example is the best precept. First, do yourself, set an Example and then Ask others to follow.


An Ass while grazing outside the village, found a Lion’s skin hanging on a bark, which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry. He decided to put it on and went towards his native village.

All fled at his approach, both men and animals,

and he was a proud Ass that day.

He was so involved in the enjoyment that he lifted up his voice and Brayed, but then the situation changed, now, everyone knew him, and his owner came up and gave him a sound cudgeling for the terror he had caused. 

And shortly afterward, a Fox came up to him and said:

Ah, I knew you by your voice.


The message of the Story:

Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.


Two Friends were traveling together through a forest when a Bear rushed out upon them.

One of the two ran towards a tree and seized hold of the branch of a tree and hid among the leaves. The other didn’t know, how to climb a tree, so, seeing no help for it, threw himself flat down upon the ground, with his face in the dust.

The Bear came closer to him, put his muzzle near his ear, and sniffed and sniffed again. And at last with a growl, he shook his head and slouched off, for the fact, bears do not touch dead meat.

Then the fellow in the tree came down to his friend, and, laughing, said

What was it that Mr. Bear whispered to you?

The other said,

He told me, Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch.

The point to be noted:

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 


One day, Two Pots had been left on the bank of a river, one of brass, and one of earthenware.

When the tide rose, they both floated off down the river.

Now the earthenware pot tried its best to keep distant from the brass one, which cried out:

Fear nothing, friend, I will not hit you.

The other said:

But I may come in contact with you, if I come too close then, whether I hit you, or you hit me, I shall be the one suffer for it.’

Moral of the Story:

The strong and the weak cannot keep company.


A Lion used to prowl about a field in which Four Oxen used to dwell.

Several times, he tried to hunt them, but whenever he came near, they all turned their tails to one another so that whichever way the lion approached them he was met by the horns of one of them.

However, someday, they felt proud of their strength and, each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field.

Gaining the advantage of their misunderstanding, the Lion attacked them, and one by one and soon made an end of all four.

Moral of the story:

United we stand, divided we fall.


This is an incident happened with a Fisher. A fisher, fished all day, but still caught only a little fish.

Please, let me go, master,

said the Fish.

I am much too small to feed you now. If you put me back into the river I shall soon grow, then you can make a fine dinner off me.

The Fisher said:

Nay, nay, my little Fish, I have caught you now. What If I may not catch you hereafter.

Moral of the Story:

A little thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect. Something is always better than Nothing.

Next 8 to 14 inspiring Short stories with moral lessons:

  1. A Thirsty Crow
  2. A man and the Satyr
  3. The Goose with the Golden Eggs
  4. The Labourer and the Nightingale
  5. The Fox, the Hen, and the Dog
  6.  The Wind and the Sun
  7. The Hercules and the Wagoner

Out of all the inspiring short stories with moral lessons, this is the one, everyone must be familiar with. One of the first moral stories, one learns and remembers his whole life.

A Crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a Pot, which once had water in it.

but when the Crow put its beak into the mouth of the Pot to look for water, he found that only very little water was left in it and he could not reach far enough down to get it.

He tried, and he tried, but at last, had to give up in distress. Then a thought came to him,

and he took a pebble and dropped it into the Pot. Then he took another pebble and dropped it into the Pot. Then he did it again several times. And at last, he saw the water rising, and after casting in a few more pebbles, he was able to quench his thirst and save his life.

Moral of the story:

Little by little does the trick.


A man had lost his way in a wood one bitter winter’s night. As he was roaming about, a Satyr came up to him, and finding that he had lost his way, promised to give him a lodging for the night, and guide him out of the forest in the morning. As he went inside to the Satyr’s cell, the Man placed both his hands close and started blowing at them.

What do you do that for?

said the Satyr.

The Man:

My hands are numb with the cold and my breath warms them.

After this, they arrived at the Satyr’s home, and soon the Satyr put a smoking dish of porridge before him. Now when the Man holds his dish near his mouth and began blowing upon it.

And what do you do that for?

said the Satyr.

The Man:

The porridge is too hot, and my breath will cool it.

The Satyr:

Out you go, I will have nothing to do with a man who can blow hot and cold with the same breath.


One day, a man who lived in the countryside, went to the nest of his Goose and found out an egg, all yellow and glittering.

When he took it up. It was as heavy. It came to his mind as someone played a trick with him so, he was going to throw it away.

But on second thoughts, he took it home, and soon realized to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold.

Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became wealthy by selling his Golden eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy and thought to get all the gold, the Goose could give, at once.

he killed it and what is found in it, when he opened it? nothing.

Moral of the Story:

Greed often overreaches itself.


A Labourer lay listening to a Nightingale’s song throughout the summer night. So pleased, by the songs, that the very next night, he set a trap for it and captured it.

The Labourer:

Now that I have caught you you shall always sing to me.

The bird:

We Nightingales never sing in a cage.

The Labourer:

Then I’ll eat you.

I have always heard that a nightingale on toast is dainty morsel.

The Bird:

Nay, kill me not, but let me free, and I’ll tell the three things far better worth than my poor body.


The Labourer let him loose, and he flew up to a branch of a tree and said:

Never believe a captive’s promise; that’s first. and Keep what you have. this is second and third piece of advice is: Sorrow not, over what is lost forever.’

Then the song-bird flew away.


One Twilight, a Fox was prowling around a farmer’s hen-coop and saw a Hen roosting high up beyond his reach.

‘Good news, good news!’

he shouted.

‘Why, what is that?’

asked the Hen.

‘King Lion has declared a universal truce. No beast may hurt a bird hereafter, but all shall dwell together in brotherly friendship.’

The Hen asked:

‘Why is that, a piece of good news, and there I see someone coming, with whom we can share the our news of new friendship.

And saying so, he craned his neck forward and looked afar off.

What is it you see?

said the Fox.

It is Just the my owners’s Dog that is coming this way. What, going so soon?

the Hen continued, as the Fox began to turn away and run as soon as he heard the Hen.

Will you not congratulate the Dog as well on the reign of universal peace?

The Fox shouted while running:

I would gladly do so, but I fear he may not have heard of King Lion’s decree.

Moral of the Story:

Cunning often outwits itself.


One fine day, The Sun and the Wind were debating which was of them is stronger.

Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road, and the Sun said:

I have a way to decide the stronger amongst us both. Whichever of us can make that traveler take off his cloak shall be considered as stronger. You begin.

So the Sun hid behind a cloud and the wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler. But the stronger he blew, the more strongly the man wraps his cloak around him, till at last the Wind had to give up.

Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on. and the Sun wins.

Moral of the Story:

Kindness effects more than severity.

A Waggoner was once on his way, along a very muddy road, driving a heavy load. At last, The cart hit a pit on a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels.

So the Waggoner gets down his seat, and bend the knees and prayed to Hercules the Strong.

O Hercules, help me in this my hour of suffering,’

Said the Waggoner. Hercules appeared to him and said:

don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.

Moral of the story:

God helps those who help themselves.

Next 15 to 19 beautiful and inspiring Short moral Stories

  1. The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey
  2. The Miser and his Gold
  3. The Fox and the Mosquitoes
  4. The Fox without a tail
  5. One-Eyed Doe


This next story is going to be a little bit longer but out of these all inspiring short stories with moral lessons, this is the most important lesson, one can learn. This story truly worth your time. 

A Man and his son were once going to the market along with their Donkey. As they were walking along, by its side a man passed them and said:

You fools, what is a Donkey for but to ride upon?

So the Man put the Boy on the Donkey’s back and they continued their journey. But with the few meters walking, when they passed some men, one of whom said:

See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides.

So the Man ordered his Boy to get off and let him sit. But they hadn’t gone far enough when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other:

Shame on that lazy father to let his poor little son follow along.

Well, the Man got confused, but at last, he took his Boy up before him. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to mock them. The Man stopped and asked what they were jeering at. The men said:

you should be ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey?

The Man and Boy got off and tried to think of what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to it, and carried him on their shoulders.

They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to Market Bridge.

There, the Donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out the Boy and the Boy lose control of the pole and dropped it. In this little fight, the Donkey loses control and fell over the bridge, and his legs being entangled together he drowned.

That will teach you

said an old man who had followed them:

‘Please all, and you will please none.’

The lesson, this story teaches is:

If you try to please all, you will end up pleasing none.


Once, there was a Miser, who used to hide his gold at the foot of a tree in his garden.

And every week, he comes and dig it up and gloat over his gold. A robber, who had noticed this, went under the tree and dug out all the gold and ran away.

When the Miser next week came to gloat over his gains, he found nothing but the empty hole. He tore his hair and shouts and yell such that all the neighbors came around him, and he told them how he used to come and visit his treasure.

Did you ever take any of it out?

asked one of them.

Nay, said he, I only came to look at it.

The neighbor said:

Then come again and look at the hole, it will do you just as much good.

Moral of the story:

Wealth unused might as well not exist.


A funny short story, basically, I find it really amazing but rather, it’s one of my favorite inspiring short stories with moral lessons. Sometimes, in order to better the situation, we can worse it, therefore, it always advised to sit back and understand the situation before reacting.

A Fox after crossing a river on the bank, got its tail tangled in a bush, and could not move. A number of Mosquitoes seeing his condition settled upon it and enjoyed a fantastic meal, undisturbed by its tail.

A hedgehog passing by took pity upon the Fox and went up to him:

‘You are in a bit of bad luck, neighbor,’

said the hedgehog;

shall I relieve you by driving off those Mosquitoes?

The Fox replied:

Thank you, Master Hedgehog, but I would rather not like to.

The hedgehog asked:

Why, how is that?

The Fox answered:

Well, you see, these Mosquitoes have had their fill; if you drive these away, others will come with fresh appetite and bleed me to death.


One of the interesting stories, I liked very much out of these all inspiring short stories with moral lessons. Actually, it’s a reality, such incidents are common nowadays and we need to be clever to understand who is the fox without a tail. 


Once a Fox caught its tail in a trap and is struggling to release himself, and lost all of it but the stump.

At first, he was ashamed to show himself in the pack.

But at last, he determined to put stop to being a joke and summoned all the foxes to a general meeting to consider a proposal which he had to place before them.

When they had gathered around, the Fox proposed them to get rid of their tails.

He pointed out some facts about what inconvenience a tail poses when they were pursued by their enemies, the dogs;

how much it was in the way when they desired to sit and have a conversation.

He failed to see any advantage in having a useless tail always with them. 

One of the older foxes said:

That is all very well, but I do not think you would have recommended us to dispense with our chief ornament if you had not happened to lose it yourself.

the lesson of the Story:

Distrust interested advice.


last one of the inspiring short stories with moral lessons. Story of a One-Eyed Doe. 


A Doe, once, unfortunately, loses one of her eyes, and could not see any one approaching her on that side.

So to be safe, she always used to feed on a high cliff, with her healthy eye looking for danger. In this way, she could always see the hunters the time, they approach her and often escapes.

But the hunters found out that the Doe had only one eye, and hiring a boat rowed under the cliff where she used to feed and shot her dead.

She yelled with her dying voice:

You can’t escape your fate.

Moral of the Story:

You can’t escape your fate.


Surely, you liked the short stories. and we have some more inspiring short stories with moral lessons, which you might find interesting.

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